
Created a social networking website for software developers to connect by sharing their skills and experiences. New users can make an account and add their GitHub repos, social media links, professional experiences, and educational history to their profiles. In addition, users can make forum posts or provide feedback by liking and commenting on other posts. I also implemented secure user login, registration, and authentication using Bcrypt hashing and JSON Web Tokens.

Chess Engine

Developed a program to analyze and play chess against an AI with varying levels of difficulty. Implemented the min-max algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to find the best possible moves. The engine will evaluate and score each chess position by comparing the material advantage, piece activity, and king safety. Added a game log, piece highlighting, and move animations for the GUI.

Electronic Exchange

Designed and built a simplistic stock exchange as part of a group project. Created a data gateway to communicate with clients using the FIX protocol and developed an order matching engine to handle buy and sell orders.

Crypto Tracker

Developed an iOS app that tracks top cryptocurrencies using an open-source API. Displays live pricing updates, market trends, and historical data on interactive charts.

Demon Slayer VR

Developed an immersive hack and slash VR game with Unity, Oculus (Rift), and C#. Players must survive waves of enemies and bosses using melee attacks and special abilities. Play to unlock new levels and set a high score!

NLP Chatbot

Built a CLI application that responds to user inputted questions using TensorFlow's encoder-decoder framework. I implemented a sequence-to-sequence model for the chatbot with recurrent neural network layers and LSTM feedback loops. Preprocessed data from movie conversations to train the model by filtering out special characters, mapping words to integers, and adding tokens to indicate the start/end of a sentence.

Unix Operating System

Worked with a team to create a unix-style kernel in C and x86 Assembly. Implemented a interrupt descriptor table, basic paging support, context switching for kernel and tasks, a real-time clock, and support for six tasks in the file system.

Pokémon Image Mosaic

Given an input image, this application will generate a mosaic made out of Pokémon characters. Each pixel of the output image is mapped to a specific character based on their HSLA color spaces.